Pool MaintenanceMonthly Pool Cleanings: Monthly and weekly pool Cleaning is a thorough once or twice a week cleaning of your pool or spa. It includes Vacuuming the bottom, emptying out the pump and skimmer baskets, balancing out the chemicals that make your pool water clear and brushing the walls of the pool....
Call 954 770 -1685 us for a Free estimate. Algae Removal: This procedure can take from two days to two weeks to clear-up depending on how severe the problem is, with no need of changing the water. Your pool is shocked for an additional charge with high levels of chlorine and algaecides to kill the algae in your pool, and vacuum the dead algae to leave your pool clean and harm . Evaporation: Your pool will naturally lose some water to evaporation, some to splashout and some to backwash wastewater. You may also gain water from rainfall. if you're routinely adding more than two inches of water to your pool per week, you may have a leak. Salt Water Pools: We clean salt pools. New Plaster Star-up: This is a seven day procedure consisting of vacuuming and bushing the entire surface of your swimming pool. |
First Choice Pool & Spa Services.
Your #1 South Florida Resource For Pool Service, Pool Repair And More Pool Safety |
First Choice Pools LLC. Call Now !!
For A Free No Obligation Estimate: Miami: (305) 402.1446 | Fort Lauderdale: (954) 770.1685
For A Free No Obligation Estimate: Miami: (305) 402.1446 | Fort Lauderdale: (954) 770.1685
1. Drain Pool: Pool will be Drained by an electric big heavy duty Pump and this water must be dumped in an area within 100 feet of the pool. The prep crew will select a convenient area unless you request otherwise. 2. Pressure Release: This is the process used to remove water pressure from under the pool. If this is not done sever damage will be done to the pool. The process involves removing the plug inside the main drain pot. An electric pump will be placed either in this opening or a pipe left by the pool builder. Water will then be removed from under the pool thus relieving the pressure. 3. Undercut tile, plumbing, fitting, lights, etc.: Exclusive double cut process. Our well-trained prep crew will make one cut directly under the tile and a second cut about 2” below the first. Similar cuts will be made around lights and fittings. The cuts will be about ½” deep. Material between the two cuts will be removed with special chipping hammers. Hydraulic cement is then used to coat the skimmer area, outlet area and light niche area to prevent future leaks that might occur. This process is on one of the MOST IMPORTANTprocedures, ensuring a proper installation of the fish you chose. Many companies do not do the double cut process and the final job quality will be compromised. 4. Remove loose and rotted surface: The prep crew will also sound out the existing pool wall and floor surface. This process will detect any areas that may be loose and soft. As with painting, all bad existing surfaces must be removed. Typically pools will have no more than 10% of their entire surface removed. We will do our best to determine the extent of this removal. On rare occasions some areas are not seen until the pool is empty. In these rare occasions a small additional charge will be required to cover the cost to remove and fill in with extra material. On some pools, sandblasting may be required. 5. Replace Fitting: We will replace the return fitting in your pool. In very rare instances, occurring with older pools the return fittings needed for a proper fit are no longer made. We will try to reuse the old fitting if possible. 6. Acid wash and neutralize: The process of acid washing will remove any contaminants that will interfere with the bonding of the Bond Coat. Acid also etches the surface creating a rough surface that will facilitate a stronger bond. |
7. Apply Bond Coat: The Bond Coat material is an acrylic modified cement and sand mixture. The two-part material, one part resin and one part bonding cement is mixed together and then rolled onto the pool wall and floor. The Bond Coat will cover the entire pool and will ensure the bond of the new DIAMOND BRITE finish.
8. Apply Diamond Brite: We confidently install Diamond Brite Exposed Aggregate. 9. Finish is put on with two coats: The pool finish is installed to an average thickness of 3/8” To achieve this thickness two coats are used. The first coat is called the “scratch.” This first coat is the base for the second coat to stick to. The second coat is the fish coat and is needed to achieve the proper thickness. The coats are put on quickly as there should be minimum drying time between coats. 10.Exposure of Diamond Brite: This is another very important process. There are two ways to expose DIAMOND BRITE. One way is the inexperienced way of acid washing or what is called the “Burn.” This process is done after the final drying time has occurred. In order to do this procedure, about 16 gallons of acid is used. The acid is applied to the entire surface material then discharged. WARNING: THIS PROCESS CAUSES PREMATURE FAILURE OF THE MATERIAL ALONG WITH STREAKS, BLOTCHINESS and ROUGHNESS. The proper way to expose DIAMOND BRITE is to hand wash using specifically designed brushes. Before the Diamond Brite is completely cured, we hand wash the surface area and then discharge the residue or “past.” This process is very unique and takes a very experienced crew to achieve this level of DIAMOND BRITE application. At Premier, all of our crew hand water wash our pools leaving the pool with a picture perfect appearance for many years to come. 11. Treat Water Prior to Fill Up: Water is chemically treated prior to fill up with a commercial grade sequestering agent to remove all impurities from the water, preventing stains and metal deposits to form. If the supply water used to fill the pool is from a well, a carbon tank will be used. We do not recommend using well water it makes more treatment and a carbon tank must be used very hard to balance the water. 12. Balance Chemicals: Once the pool is full we will send a trained water technician to balance the chemicals in your pool. We will add chemicals to balance water, stabilizer, chlorine and acid will be added. The pool pump will be restarted. |
Pool Acid Washing
One Of The Best Ways To Bring Old Murky Pools Back To Life We use different kinds of acids everyday. We use it as part of our meals like the vinegar that we put on our salads. We also use it for cleaning our bathrooms particularly the tiles, the sinks and toilet bowl with the use of muriatic acid. In its milder concentration, it takes form as our beverage like the sodas you drink. Definitely, we can say that it has played an important role in our lives. However, acid in its concentrated form can be harmful to your skin or even to certain things. In metals, it can cause corrosion. In human beings, it may cause allergies, wounds or even death. That is just a preview on the desirable and undesirable effects of acids. However, this article is about the relationship of acids to swimming pools: both the good and bad of it. In pool waters, a lower ph (which means the water is acidic) is not desirable. Water should be maintained at its normal ph, which is 7.2-7.8 in order to preserve the pool and make it safe for swimming. However, there are certain instances wherein acid needs to be splashed over the pool finishes in order to remove the etched parts and clean it. It uses a diluted muriatic acid in a one is to one ratio (meaning 1 gallon of muriatic acid should be diluted in 1 gallon of water). |
When is acid washing required? The following are the conditions that require this process:When there is an overgrowth of algae in your pool.
When you can no longer see the bottom floor of your pool. When your pool has not been used for a long time and many creatures are staying in it. When you have stains in your pool that is very hard to remove. When you want to prepare your pool for a new coat of painting or what we call resurfacing and even lamination. You rather drain and clean the pool with acid than have them treated with chemicals. You see, if the pool water is really dark and murky, you will be spending tons of money on chemicals just to make it work. At times, these chemicals will no longer be effective. It can also leave residues floating on your water. Do you think it will still be good for swimming? If you want to clean up your pools when it has turned ugly and dirty, this is your economical option. Bear in mind as well that this is no perfect process. If your pool finishes have cracks or etches, well it will not be removed. However, it is a guarantee that this is an opportunity for you to level off those surfaces and make sure that every inch of the pool is sanitized. You can actually do this by yourself. When you do it, you will be required to wear protective gear. However, if you are not sure what you will be doing, it would be preferable that you leave it to the professionals. Besides, proper use of acid should be exercised so that you will not cut short the life expectancy of your pool. |
First Choice Pools LLC. Call Now !!
For A Free No Obligation Estimate: Miami: (305) 402.1446 | Fort Lauderdale: (954) 770.1685
For A Free No Obligation Estimate: Miami: (305) 402.1446 | Fort Lauderdale: (954) 770.1685